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College Review Articles by Students

The college reviews at were started as a forum to discuss what current and prospective students really needed from a site. While reviewing different educationally themed websites to see what offered the best information in the college and university arena I noticed a troubling trend. Every site I looked at lacked something, and the ones that had the best information, were the ones that were the most horribly designed and difficult to navigate. So I decided to do something about it - I created my own. Although was started as a forum to find out what current and prospective students really wanted to know, with the intention of building a site around those needs, it quickly became apparent that the forum itself was what was needed. Every college and University sounded great if you read their websites and brochures, but the things the actual students themselves were saying was far more valuable. So the decision was made to keep the student forum itself as the backbone of the site to act as a peer review not just for schools, but also teachers, classes, admissions, housing and anything in between. What better place to get accurate and relevant information that matters to a student than from other students? Another accidental addition is the articlesubmission section for the writers out there. Whether you want to showcase your writing skills, or just promote your own myspace page or personal blog, this is the place to do it. And if not for the recognition or self-promotion, then do it for the money! The to particle submissions will be eligible for cash payouts, so be sure to check it out for more details. Other useful sections of include, "The Exchange", where you can buy, sell or trade used textbooks or anything else for that matter, and the "noble causes"
forum where the users have joined forces with the community in Stanford University's Folding@home project. I started our folding team to give people a chance to do their part to help cure Cancer, Alzheimer's, Cystic Fibrosis, Parkinson's etc., without having to give money.